
Gulf Shores

Tuesday, October 2

"My Emily Rozsa"

Maddie has been super excited because her "Emily Rozsa" was coming.  This past weekend, Emily and her family (really there are 3 more in the Rozsa family) came to visit.  They are traveling to raise support to go to Hungary with One Mission Society.  Viktor spoke in both of our churches on Sunday and we are so excited he brought all 3 girls with him.  Kristen is his wife and their wedding was actually Ron's first wedding ceremony.  Then there is Emily who is 3 and finally Gabriella (Gabby) who is 5 months and adorable!
I am telling you all that because in our excitement to have them here, or the rush of the weekend - I only got these 2 pictures!

When Emily arrived, Maddie gave her clothes.  We have been passing down clothes to Emily for several years and now Gabby even gets to wear them.  Maddie loves to find something that is too small and say, "let's give it to my Emily Rozsa".  SO...included in the clothes pile was this Tinkerbell outfit that actually would fit Maddie, but she doesn't like the material on her skin - so it was decided she would pass it on!  Emily was thrilled and put it on immediately - and left it on as long as her mom allowed :)

We had a fun, short weekend!  I got to hold Gabby lots and got my baby fix.  If it weren't for my hip and my hubby, I'd love to have another one :)  I even told someone that at church on Sunday as I nestled her to sleep after our second service!  She is a cutie, but you'll have to take my word for it.

It was nice to catch up a little with Kristen and Viktor too.  They have an interesting year ahead of them.  Viktor just finished with his Masters from Asbury Theological Seminary and is still working while they will begin traveling to raise support.  Will you pray with us that the Lord will provide supporters, both financial supporters and prayer supporters? 

Viktor and Kristen have an amazing opportunity to minister to Viktor's home country.  Viktor has dual citizenship in Hungary and the USA!  He is excited to take his family and return to Hungary and excited to see how God will move and work and draw people to Himself!

So we had a fun weekend and we are excited to continue to partner with the Rozsa Family in the journey ahead of them.  If you would like more information on their ministry or how you can be a part, please check out their ministry blog at

Thanks Rozsa Family for coming - wish I had gotten more pictures!

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