
Gulf Shores

Monday, July 30

Devotion turned Experiment

This morning I read to Maddie and Eli out of a devotional book that has a Bible story and application to young kids.  The story was taken from 2 Kings 6:1-7 where a man had borrowed an axe and then while cutting the heavy iron axhead flew off the handle and went into the water.  It sank quickly.  The man was upset because he had borrowed the axe.  Elisha was there and asked the man where it fell.  Elisha threw a stick into the water and the axhead floated to the surface.  It was a miracle!

At the end of the story there are questions to review the story and then today there was an experiment to see if penny's would float in water and then make the contrast of how heavy an axhead would have been to float.
Eli was excited to try the experiment!

We got a glass and 3 pennies (cause Maddie and Nathaniel wanted to be in on the action).

We dropped them in!

They sunk!

Instead of allowing me to make the transition of how an axhead is much heavier than a penny.  Eli called over his shoulder and said, "I'll be right back".

Next thing I know he drops 3 small sticks on the table.
My mind was thinking, "oh no, he's wanting to play Elisha". 
But I allowed him to see if what would happen.
Eli instructed Maddie to drop hers first. 
It floated.
Then Nathaniel.
His floated too.
Then Eli got a big grin and dropped his stick into the water, right over his penny!
Uh oh, nothing happened!

So Eli's next idea was priceless!  You can't see a miracle without praying.
So he did!

A little more disappointment!
Still no floating pennies!

When I grabbed my camera for our experiment, I really had no idea I would catch all this, but the whole thing was a good learning experience (for ALL of us)!

I don't think Eli believes any less in miracles, but I tried to explain how they will not always happen, just because we do the things that the prophet Elisha did!

We did wrap up with the science experiment noting that the pennies sunk and sticks float! 
Maddie seemed to enjoy that.

Wow, you always have to be on your toes around here!

1 comment:

Billy & Joanna Coppedge said...

LOVE THIS FAITH!!!!!! Praying with you and for you as you parent!